High pH & Negative ORP For Good Health

Just like plants need daily sunlight for growth, human bodies too need water to live. Therefore, it is said, water is life. After oxygen, water is the most essential need of the human body. What you feed your body, will reflect greatly to your inner and outer body. Hence, drinking healthy alkaline water from an alkaline water purifier is important.
The lifestyle errands that we all are a part of, we all strive to achieve good health balance. But this is not achieved merely by exercising, dieting or eating small portions of alkaline foods. In the true sense, these activities are only contributors to your wellness journey, not a solution!
Now you must be wondering about How to maintain the body balance?
The only solution is regular consumption of alkaline and hydrogen water from an alkaline water ionizer machine.
It is time to change our outlook towards the way we define wellness and care for our well-being. The coronavirus pandemic has given us worst nightmares and made us realize the value and importance of a healthy lifestyle. It gave us an opportunity to rethink on self-development, health quo, and cognitive growth.
What are paired Electrons?
When we say health the most important question these days is- How strong is your immunity?
Yes, everything revolves around the immunity of your body! While there are many super foods, healthy drinks, supplements, vitamin tablets, among others that are being talked about to boost your immunity. But the effect of these solutions are often temporary and short-lived.
When you are looking forward to build strong immunity or maintain body balance, we should focus on permanent solution, such as drinking healthy superior water such as alkaline water and hydrogen water from an alkaline water purifier.
How to know, that your water pH is good or bad?
The answer is pH of your water.
pH Scale
The pH scale is a measure of how acidic or basic the water is. It can be easily measured on a scale ranging from 0 to 14. The pH value of 7 is indicated to be Neutral. A pH greater than 7 indicates a basic solution and a pH of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution. The farther a pH value from its neutral point, the more strongly or basic it is.
Some of the common chemicals and household ingredients are:
Hydrochloric Acid, Lemon Juice, Vinegar, Wine, Pure Water, Human Blood, Iye and Sodium Hydroxide. Not all liquids have a pH value. For e.g.: Vegetable Oil, Pure Alcohol. pH Value has its relevance only when it has water contents in it.
How does pH influence the human body?
The H in pH is the elemental symbol of Hydrogen and therefore pH together in chemistry is said to mean “Power of Hydrogen”. The H value is denoted as a H⁺ which implies as hydrogen ion with a positive charge.
Uses of pH:
pH is used in everyday life as well as in science and industry. It’s used in cooking (e.g., reacting baking powder and an acid to make baked goods rise), to design cocktails, in cleaners, and in food preservation. It’s important in pool maintenance and water purification, agriculture, medicine, chemistry, engineering, oceanography, biology, and other sciences.
How to neutralize varying pH levels?
Following an alkaline diet that includes alkaline water, alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits. This diet will rejuvenate not just the inside of your body but will also rejuvenate your outside appearance. The pH of a food before you eat it is less important than what it turns into once it’s inside your body. It will keep you hydrated, healthy and happy.
Therefore, an alkaline diet along with alkaline water from an alkaline water ionizer machine is a healthy choice in order to neutralize the bad acids and try to help balance the pH levels within your body.
Importance of ORP in Alkaline water and its significance for your health
ORP is a term which is often used for testing the water quality. It is elaborated as Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) which helps to understand the health and cleanliness of the water and its ability to break down contaminants.
Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) is a measure which indicates how oxidizing or reducing a liquid is in a substance. It is measured by the electrodes of an ORP meter and hence expressed in millivolt (mV). For safe sanitized drinking water, the ORP reading should always be negative. Most ORP meters can read values ranging from -1000 mV to +1000 mV.
What is a good ORP level?
A good ORP is the one which has negative ORP value. A negative ORP of water indicates that the water is safe and healthy water. The more negative the ORP is, the more anti-oxidizing is the water. This has many benefits for your overall health.
In order to maintain good health, the body has to be alkaline to function it. Alkaline water is water with a pH of 8 and above, and has a negative ORP value. A high pH and negative value of ORP makes your drinking water healthy and good for your body as it provides essential anti-oxidants and nourishment for your bodily fluids.
As a matter of fact, you can test the health of your drinking water with its ORP value. Similarly, you can also test the freshness of juice by its ORP level.
The ORP levels can be monitored regularly in order to measure the effectiveness of the sanitizing agent that helps in delivering safe and sanitized drinking water.
Essential benefits to health with high pH and negative ORP is:
– 6 times more hydration than your regular drinking water
– Break your acidity and build strong alkalinity inside your body
– Build your muscle mass and stronger bones
– An active digestive tract, free from toxins and other waste
– Most importantly, build your immunity with healthy and superior electrolyzed water from ZeroB alkaline water ionizer machine !
To know more: reach out on 022-27881234 or 022-68486848 or write to us at [email protected] or learn about us www.zerobhydrolife.co.in